More Guidance


There may be yet another signpost reminding us of the Earth's intentional creation and the message it carries in more recent times - more evidence of the guidance described in preceding sections appeared 6,000 years after the Younger Dryas calamity 12,000 years ago. Human evolution plodded along for 6,000 years until around 6,000 or so years ago when an explosion of discovery and invention became evident in the ancient world.

Arthur Young’s scientifically detailed process theory presented in The Reflexive Universe: The Evolution of Consciousness, entails the seven stages of the evolution of consciousness in the Universe from the photon of light to fully awakened awareness with no need to manifest and with the ability to create energy, matter and time at will, included only two question marks in all of the forty-nine sub-stages – at its very end, what Young called 'ineffable', and that the Stillpoint phenomenon now brings to light . . . and at the beginning of the last stage, the Dominion Kingdom, of which Man is a part.

It would be useful now to discuss his first question mark – how did Man, representing the Dominion Kingdom, just after the Animal Kingdom, appear here . . . and how were so many advances made in the last 6,000 years? While the 'missing link' myth still persists due to gaps in the geologic/fossil record, there really is no reason to believe that the 3 ½ billions-year-long progression of the evolution of life on this planet stopped just before Man showed up – unless, of course, one's beliefs support the idea of a 6,000-year-old Earth. Perhaps as long ago as 200,000 years, Man in our present form appeared. There is little in the archaeological record spanning the first 150,000 of those years that demonstrates much progress until advanced symbolic cave paintings turned up at Maros in Sulawesi and in the caves of France and Spain beginning 45,000 years ago. Consciousness was slowly evolving – and it appears that some kind of quantum leap in this process had occurred . . . possibly due to the discovery of hallucinogens by human beings.

Bright colors - purple boar to left, dark green to right

Cave painting of a pig, Indonesian island of Sulawesi, around 45,500 years ago

Bright, dark red bull over stone

Cave painting of a water buffalo, Altamira Cave, Spain, around 14,000 years ago


In ways we don't yet know, in the ancient past . . . before 12,000 years ago . . . someone had the ability to assemble huge, shaped, astronomically aligned megaliths. In Baalbek, Lebanon, a more recent Roman temple rests upon stones of some 1,500 tons that are 68 x 14 x 14 feet - the largest worked stones on Earth.

Huge rectangular, cut, stones  . . . black and white photo

It is a mystery how such stones could have been moved into place, even according to our science and engineering knowledge of today. From all around the world, similar evidence led to stories of lost civilizations . . . of Atlantis, mentioned first by Plato, from Solon 200 years previously, as a continent existing some 9,000 years before his time that vanished beneath the sea. Extensive geologic evidence exists from all around the world that around 12,000 years ago, at the end of the Younger Dryas period, a great catastrophe occurred to life on Earth - possibly a careening celestial body ricocheted into our solar system, coming too close to Earth - or perhaps, as Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson suggest, a disintegrating comet hit the North American ice-cap. Earthquakes tore apart huge areas, accompanied by vast volcanic eruption and finally by global flooding . . . hundreds of stories regarding global flooding are found in prehistoric myths from peoples all around the world.

The ruins of Gobekli Tepe in Turkey are thought to be at least 11,500 years old; the discovery of man-made megalithic stones called the Bimini Road off the coast of the Bahamas are thought to be over 12,000 years old; and the discovery of megalithic architecture inundated by fathoms of seawater off the coasts of Japan, India, Egypt and other underwater areas are all evidence of ancient civilization preceding the Younger Dryas catastrophe. Regardless, after the event, civilization began to re-emerge, and rebuild itself, slowly emerging from the caves and high ground. Agriculture appeared early on, around 12,000 years ago, as well as the domestication of animals. It took 4,000 years for metal, gold, to be discovered and used, as well as the emergence of pottery, and another 2,000 years until copper was developed and used for tools. Evolution crept along for almost 6,000 years with not much to show for it.

And then something happened. Around 5,500 years ago the wheel was invented, followed shortly by the development of the first number system, geometry was first evolved in Mesopotamia, and the first more complex writings - hieroglyphics in Egypt and cuneiform in Mesopotamia some 5,000 years ago, with papyrus writing soon after.

What could have caused this influx of sophisticated invention? Myths exist from ancient cultures around the world speaking of ‘gods from the sky’ (which easily could be interpreted to mean extra-terrestrial, alien, influence) who provided critical initial information upon which to build a civilization, implying that these ‘gods’ came from the stars.

What we do know for sure is that a leap in the advancement of civilization occurred 5,000 to 6,000 years ago, along with these stories of gods who came out of the sky to impart the information necessary for this advance. If this is true, I believe this is related to the guidance chronicled in the preceding GUIDANCE section - the idea of non-intervention or non-violation in the form of guidance.

Filtered gold over layered brown background, flying saucer in sky with light beams casting two figures, John the Baptist and Jesus, surrounded by people.

18th century painting of John baptizing Jesus by Flemish painter Aert De Gelder

Presice, architectural painting showing a spaceship sending a message to Mary . . . pastel colors

The Annuciation with Saint Emidius by Italian artist Carlo Crivelli, 1486


This transfer of information could also have happened in a revelatory way. Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince mention in their book The Forbidden Universe that:


'A major component of the magical worldview hardwired into humanity is that specially trained individuals can enter into a state of communion with the gods in which they are given intensely practical information.'


However it happened, global consciousness made a significant leap during that time. If these ancient myths are true, and there was some kind of higher influence, the question arises . . . why?

Discussed in Stillpoint in the chapter on Time are suggestions regarding why this jump in human consciousness occurred around 6,000 years ago . . . all woven into the mysterious phenomenon of the fluidity of the space-time reality.

Probable futures can be foreseen within the awakened reality of the eternal present moment given the tendency of chreodes, or channels . . . ‘a way, course, or direction of thought or action’ . . . that determine the evolutionary process . . . that determine the future.

Too, random events can be foreseen and anticipated . . . including a careening celestial body coming too close to Earth or a comet hitting the ice cap 12,000 years ago . . . each resulting in a 400-foot rise in sea level while spawning myths from cultures all around the world.

Was this event foreseen? Given what has been presented, it’s hard to imagine it wasn’t.

Why wasn’t it prevented?

When our solar system was designed and born 4.6 billion years ago, it had to be let alone to evolve . . . an evolution based upon the eons-long, learned principles of physics, mathematics and geometry. The primal, and sacred, geometric blueprints upon which our Universe is patterned, as well as the constants that evolving consciousness learned and science has so precisely determined, had to be followed.

The creators, exactly like we with our children, can only guide, encourage and inspire . . . they/we cannot intervene . . . cannot make their choices for them.

As below so above . As above so below

I don’t believe that this event could have been anticipated 4.6 billion years ago, at the solar system’s inception . . . way too many variables . . . but that it was foreseen once the process of time had formed reality as the event approached.

They could not intervene, or prevent, the global catastrophe that was about to happen, but they could offer guidance.

The Great Pyramid

before the event

The Megalithic Yard

after the event

Is it possible that because this random - yet anticipated - event happened, throwing civilization back into its past, we were given all this advanced information . . . beginning with the Great Pyramid over 12,000 years ago, before the event, and then the Megalithic Yard some 6,000 years ago, after the event . . . to help prepare us for this uniquely particular moment in history?

They knew that the opening to the inflow of spiritual wisdom that would accompany the Winter Solstice alignment with the center of the galaxy was fast approaching – the end of the Great Year, the return of the light – and that a boost of some kind was now required (again . . . compassion) in an effort to prepare us for the crisis that is now happening.

Perhaps they found it necessary to provide the tools required to rebuild by seeding Earth’s struggling humanity with the knowledge needed . . . the wheel, geometry – and perhaps most important of all, the message encoded in the geodetic unit called:

The Megalithic Yard


The Megalithic Yard, derived from the Stillpoint, Phi, or Great, Pyramid, and found in the ancient stone circles of Britain, Ireland and Northern France beginning 5,500 years ago (a unit of measurement that not only divides the circumference of Earth equally, but also those of the Sun and Moon). It is a unit of measurement based upon the circumference of the:



366: The number of Megalithic Yards in 1 Megalithic second of arc of the Earth


100: The number of Megalithic Yards in 1 Megalithic second of arc of the Moon


40,000: The number of Megalithic Yards in 1 Megalithic second of arc of the Sun

An encoded message letting us know 'they' exist and are communicating with us . . . once again through the




Why did all this discovery appear so suddenly around 6,000 years ago . . . the wheel, number/arithmetic, geometry . . . and why all the megalithic construction some 5,500 years ago? Huge stones set in circles based upon the megalithic yard.

The Great Pyramid before the event, and the Megalithic Yard 5,500 years ago, after the event, ensured that the Stillpoint message would be preserved in stone until later generations would be able to unravel the message. It seems likely, given all the evidence presented in THE STILLPOINT PYRAMID section that the Great Pyramid was built before 12,000 years ago, and that all the supposed traditional evidence for its construction 4,500 years ago is evidence of the pyramid’s repair.

Encoded within all the construction from all around the world at this time is evidence letting us know that all this was done intentionally by a higher intelligence and was done for a reason. But what reason? As has so often been said now, the answer to all of this lies at the very heart of it – the blueprint for consciousness and the portal to higher awareness embedded in the heart of our solar system. A whole lot of work done on our behalf. It would be an incomprehensible shame to miss the opportunity. Many researchers suggest – outside of the orthodox scientific view - that our present civilization could never have reached such heights so quickly were it not for this kind of divine/extra-terrestrial, intervention . . . or guidance.

The following section, PORTAL, addresses the primal Stillpoint portal between


Barefoot man atop pointed pyramid reaching for the stars . . . deep blue at top, light green at bottom
